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整理时间:2012-11-11 20:20 来源 作者:编辑 点击:

【楼主】我怎能不流氓2012-11-09 23:20
» 译文地址:原文地址: nine-out-of-ten-countries-so-look-out-Luxembourg.html#disqus_thread 附件
作者我怎能不流氓2012-11-09 23:21
Britain has invaded all but 22 countries in the world in its long and colourful history, new research has found. 研究发现,在漫长的历史中,英国几乎侵略了世界上所有的国家,只有22个国家免遭于难。Every schoolboy used to know that at the height of the empire, almost a quarter of the atlas was coloured pink, showing the extent of British rule. 每个在学校读书的孩子都知道,在大英帝国的鼎盛时期,世界地图上有差不多1/4的区域都是粉红色的,而这粉红色的区域代表的就是英国的统治区域。But that oft recited fact dramatically understates the remarkable global reach achieved by this country. 但是事实并非如此,人们其实低估了英国过去的势力延伸。A new study has found that at various times the British have invaded almost 90 per cent of the countries around the globe. 而一项最新的研究指出,在不同的时代,英国总共侵略了全球大约90%的国家。The analysis of the histories of the almost 200 countries in the world found only 22 which have never experienced an invasion by the British. 有人对200个国家的历史进行了调查,发现全世界范围内只有22国家没有被英国人侵略过。
作者我怎能不流氓2012-11-09 23:21
Among this select group of nations are far-off destinations such as Guatemala, Tajikistan and the Marshall Islands, as well some slightly closer to home, such as Luxembourg. 未被英国侵略的国家包括遥远的危地马拉,塔吉克斯坦和马绍尔群岛,也有较近的国家比如卢森堡。The analysis is contained in a new book, All the Countries We've Ever Invaded: And the Few We Never Got Round To. 这份调查结果来自一本新书,这本书叫做《我们侵略过的所有国家:还有一些我们来不及侵略的国家》。Stuart Laycock, the author, has worked his way around the globe, through each country alphabetically, researching its history to establish whether, at any point, they have experienced an incursion by Britain. 该书的作者斯图尔特对全球范围进行了研究(按字母顺序来研究这些国家),调查了每个国家在过去的某个时期是否有被英国侵略的经历。Only a comparatively small proportion of the total in Mr Laycock's list of invaded states actually formed an official part of the empire. 在斯图尔特先生所列的遭英国侵略的国家名单里,只有一小部分的受侵略国家曾经正式的成为大英帝国的一部分。The remainder have been included because the British were found to have achieved some sort of military presence in the territory however transitory either through force, the threat of force, negotiation or payment. 其余大部分国家出现在名单里的原因是英国曾经在这些地方驻军过——不管是多么的短暂——通过武力、武力威胁、谈判或者是作为一种赔款等形式占领的。Incursions by British pirates, privateers or armed explorers have also been included, provided they were operating with the approval of their government. 当然不仅包括军队的侵略,英国海盗、武装民船以及武装探险者的侵略行为也被包括进去了,因为这些人的侵略行为也得到了英国政府的批准。So, many countries which once formed part of the Spanish empire and seem to have little historical connection with the UK, such as Costa Rica, Ecuador and El Salvador, make the list because of the repeated raids they suffered from state-sanctioned British sailors. 所以从这个角度来看的话,很多国家(这些国家之前是西班牙帝国的一部分,和英国几乎没有什么历史上的联系)比如哥斯达黎加、厄瓜多尔和萨尔瓦多都在这个名单上,因为这些国家经常受到英国水手的袭击和骚扰,而这些水手是受到英国政府认可的。Among some of the perhaps surprising entries on the list are: 下面的一些国家也在名单上,你可能会感到很吃惊:* Cuba, where in 1741, a force under Admiral Edward Vernon stormed ashore at Guantnamo Bay. He renamed it Cumberland Bay, before being forced to withdraw in the face of hostile locals and an outbreak of disease among his men. Twenty one years later, Havana and a large part of the island fell to the British after a bloody siege, only to be handed back to the Spanish in 1763, along with another unlikely British possession, the Philippines, in exchange for Florida and Minorca. * 古巴,在1741年的时候,海军上将爱德华 弗农带领了一支军队在光塔那摩湾的海岸登陆。他把这个地方重新命名为坎伯兰湾,后来在凶狠当地人的抵抗下以及他的军队中爆发了瘟疫,他才不得不下令撤退。 21年后,在英国的再次围攻下,哈瓦那和古巴的其他大片区域还是被英国占领了,但是在1763年的时候,英国又把占领的古巴归还给了西班牙人,英国人还把菲律宾群岛也给了西班牙人,而交换条件是英国获得佛罗里达和米诺卡岛(地中海西部岛屿)。*Iceland, invaded in 1940 by the British after the neutral nation refused to enter the war on the Allies side. The invasion force, of 745 marines, met with strong protest from the Iceland government, but no resistance. * 冰岛,由于冰岛在二站期间是中立国,拒绝加入同盟国,所以英国在1940年的时候入侵了这个国家。英国的745海军负责这次的入侵任务,冰岛政府对英国的行为进行了强烈的抗议,但是并没有遇到冰岛军队的抵抗。* Vietnam, which has experienced repeated incursions by the British since the seventeenth century. The most recent from 1945 to 1946 saw the British fight a campaign for control of the country against communists, in a war that has been overshadowed by later conflicts involving first the French and then Americans. * 越南, 自从17世纪以来,越南就不断地受到英国的侵犯。最近的一次是在1945-1946年的时候,英国人发起了一系列的活动,试图控制这个国家并以此打击越南***,但是后来法国人和美国人也卷入了在越南的战争,使英国的在越南的行动黯然失色。It is thought to be the first time such a list has been compiled. 类似这样的名单,可能目前世界上只有这一份。Mr Laycock, who has previously published books on Roman history, began the unusual quest after being asked by his 11-year-old son, Frederick, how many countries the British had invaded. 斯图尔特先生在之前还出版过一些关于罗马历史的书籍,他的11岁儿子弗雷德里克问了他一个问题:英国侵略过多少个国家,这才使得他下决心开始这项不同寻常的工作。After almost two years of research he said he was shocked by the answer. "I was absolutely staggered when I reached the total. I like to think I have a relatively good general knowledge. But there are places where it hadn't occurred to me that these things had ever happened. It shocked me. 对这个课题研究了两年以后,他说他对研究结果感到很震惊。“当我看到英国侵略了那么多国家后,我的确感到很吃惊。我总是觉得我的知识范围还是相对广泛的。但是现在我知道原来有那么多地方曾经被英国侵略过,我之前完全没有意识到,所以我感到很震惊。
作者我怎能不流氓2012-11-09 23:22
The countries never invaded by the British: 英国人从未侵略过的国家:Andorra 安道尔Belarus 白俄罗斯Bolivia 玻利维亚Burundi 布隆迪Central African Republic 中非共和国Chad 乍得Congo, Republic of 刚果共和国Guatemala 危地马拉Ivory Coast 科特迪瓦Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦Liechtenstein 列支敦斯登Luxembourg 卢森堡Mali 马里Marshall Islands 马绍尔群岛Monaco 摩纳哥Mongolia 蒙古Paraguay 巴拉圭Sao Tome and Principe 圣多美与普林希比共和国Sweden 瑞典Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦Vatican City 梵蒂冈城
作者spy36802012-11-09 23:22
作者常思己过2012-11-09 23:24
他喵的世界毒瘤 吃我们的早晚让它吐出来
作者血苍魂2012-11-09 23:25
作者香蕉皮皮2012-11-09 23:25
作者岸本早未2012-11-09 23:25
很多国家是二战后才蹦出来的还有 英国的确是曾经最强大的国家当时的海军规模已经远远不是目前美国可以比较的
作者猪一样的牛2012-11-09 23:26
作者我怎能不流氓2012-11-09 23:27
作者sio21232012-11-09 23:27
作者I回来了2012-11-09 23:27
作者ryanflees2012-11-09 23:28
作者绝对死寂2012-11-09 23:30
很多国家是二战后才蹦出来的还有 英国的确是曾经最强大的国家当时的海军规模已经远远不是目前美国可以比较的
作者梦断情天2012-11-09 23:31
作者我爱松花蛋2012-11-09 23:31
作者其时吾之奔放2012-11-09 23:32
作者我怎能不流氓2012-11-09 23:32
美帝也被英国侵略过的说,然后就是独立战争的剧情 如果统计下“历史上被中国侵略过的国家”,不知道有几个。苏联对东欧各国的控制,对阿富汗,埃及,古巴,朝鲜,越南等国的干预19世纪英国在欧洲事务,新大陆殖民地事务等各方面所发挥的作用拿破仑的欧洲体系欧洲发现东亚之前中国在东亚所建立的朝贡体系是齐名的

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