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时间:2012-07-10 17:53 来源 作者:编辑 点击:

   原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:诗酒月光 转载请注明出处
   原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:诗酒月光 转载请注明出处
   Ladies, forget pocket fans and frozen margaritas: There's a new way to keep cool this summer, and comes in your cup size.
   Japanese manufacturer Triumph has released a bra that contains built-in ice packs so women can feel "comfortable" when air conditioning isn't available, MyFox DC reports.
   日本制造商成功推出了一款包含内置冰袋的Bra,能够让女人们在空调不可用时倍感“舒爽”,MyFox DC报道。
   The bra also features a miniature fan to further aid in the cooling process and, for some reason, is designed to look like a fish tank.
   The company -- which is known for creating novelty products that never actually come to market -- apparently came up with the idea in reaction to the need to conserve energy during the hot Japanese summers, particularly in light of the country's lack of working nuclear reactors in the wake of the Fukushima disaster, according to Agence France-Presse.
   While many women have been using their bras for practical purposes such as extra storage for years, it seems the undergarment's other functions are starting to be taken more seriously by some manufacturers.
   Last month, the JoeyBra, a bra that contains a side pocket to store a phone, money or other items was launched with a Kickstarter campaign.
   According to Mashable, Mariah Gentry and Kyle Bartlow, junior business majors at the University of Washington, came up with the idea after noticing a large amount of Facebook posts from girls lamenting the loss of their cell phones during nights out on the town.
   根据Mashable(新闻博客网站),Mariah Gentry 和 Kyle Bartlow,华盛顿大学商学专业三年级生,在注意到Facebook上女孩们不约而同惋惜她们去城里过夜时丢失的手机的大量帖子后想到了这个创意点子。
    原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:诗酒月光 转载请注明出处
   1、jimjim41844 .14 Fans .3 minutes ago ( 7:53 PM)
   Starts out 36D, and with some wear goes down to 36B. LOL.
   Just joking, I know it does not change...
   2、TeeSC .466 Fans .01:01 PM on 06/28/2012
   I want one of those!
   3、Mickey Bitsko
   Your sink is shipping .447 Fans .11:13 AM on 06/03/2012
   Are there allowances for us men to keep our hands cool, preferably while the bra is on the girl?
   Liberal Virginian living in Remlap Alabama .1076 Fans .09:18 PM on 05/13/2012
   Tokyo is an absolute trip. It's like being on another planet. Very nice people but they are everywhere. 20 million cell phones working at the same time. Subway is an experience. Very modern with mixture of traditional. Cool place indeed.
   5、Moonshi14 .61 Fans .06:27 AM on 05/13/2012
   I didn't realize boob-heat was such an epidemic. On a side note, the two models are cute!
   6、convolutedspeech .3 Fans .09:41 AM on 05/11/2012
   HAHAHAHA, this is AWESOME! where can i order?
   7、uniqumm .82 Fans .09:00 AM on 05/11/2012
   No, NO!
   You want to keep those puppies warm!
   Warm, and comfortable....... And, help support their shape, but not too harshly. They should also have a bit of freedom to move with the gait.
   They should be warm, and comfy, and ......
   ........... oh, hell! I gotta go...........................
   Good thoughts, good words, good deeds .312 Fans
   .07:26 AM on 05/11/2012
   One of my friends with MS made her own cooling bra years ago to help regulate her core body temperature. It kept her ms more manageable during the hot months. These are much cuter though!
   9、tinwhiskers .3 Fans .01:45 AM on 05/11/2012
   If the headline had said "Ice cream bra", I may have read the story.
   You know what you do with ice cream...
   10、ocenbrz .171 Fans .12:40 AM on 05/11/2012
   We could sure use those here in America. It gets so hot during Ren Faire and those corsets are stifling in the heat. The aquarium is not needed because we do not need more bulk. Like the idea of a bra with side pockets. I need to get to work.
   La de da de de, La de da de da .125 Fans .11:20 PM on 05/10/2012
   So does this mean that we have to change the old saying to "cold as a Japanese tit".
   12、Gerald Allan .9 Fans .10:37 PM on 05/10/2012
   Gosh, those Japanese. Find a need and fill it....
   13、qatmama .10 Fans .09:33 PM on 05/10/2012
   suddenly, i want raisins
   14、Bobcheesedoodle .116 Fans .08:28 PM on 05/10/2012
   Milk should always be refrigerated.
   15、Steve Beldner .93 Fans .07:19 PM on 05/10/2012
   Well my 1st wife was way ahead of this cold piece of clothing. She was so frigid, every time she parted her legs, you would see a light turn on.
   16、franplatt .82 Fans .07:02 PM on 05/10/2012
   Might be a great boon for hot flashes, which tend to be most intense over the sternum.
   17、Scott Bryan Kanner
   Everyone has something to contribute .127 Fans .06:29 PM on 05/10/2012
   Add a few spaces to hold beer cans and you have a hit!!!
   18、Thimbles .9 Fans .05:52 PM on 05/10/2012
   Its a novelty item with a built in fan and ice trays... I can respect that but, how would one wash it?
   19、Scott Bryan Kanner
   Everyone has something to contribute .
   The male equivalent would not be very popular
   America. Love it or Leave it to Beaver. .94 Fans .02:01 PM on 05/10/2012
   I have a hard enough time trying to unhook a warm bra, now I'll have to work with frost bitten fingers.
   21、always deployed .3 Fans .01:57 PM on 05/10/2012
   Just wait guys, frozen boxers are next!!
   Apolitical and pissed off .313 Fans .01:05 PM on 05/10/2012
   What a wonderful idea.......Ice Bras. Now all I have to do is to get one of these girls to hold my beer between her breasts to keep it cool on a hot day.
   绝妙的点子……冰Bra。现在我所要做的是找其中一个女孩在炎热的天气里让她的胸部为我冷藏啤酒。我老婆都穿烂两副了……图里。。右边的女的。。 下半身。。 15、Steve Beldner .93 Fans .07:19 PM on 05/10/2012
   Well my 1st wife was way ahead of this cold piece of clothing. She was so frigid, every time she parted her legs, you would see a light turn on.
   图里。。右边的女的。。 下半身。。
   图里。。右边的女的。。 下半身。。
   图里。。右边的女的。。 下半身。。
   图里。。右边的女的。。 下半身。。
   图里。。右边的女的。。 下半身。。
   图里。。右边的女的。。 下半身。。 咋感觉右边那个下面怪怪的。。。。 我没撸啊 - -
   图里。。右边的女的。。 下半身。。
   果然是福利啊~~11区的天赋果然不是盖的啊特意回去从新看了一遍 天赋点歪系列?

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