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整理时间:2012-12-19 05:30 来源 作者:编辑 点击:

【楼主】红黑黑2012-12-18 11:13
» 1.生活水平提高使得私人汽车数量激增2.城市糟糕的交通基础设施建设无法满足社会需求3.非机动车争道抢行4.社会公德缺失5.法制建设不完善中式英语不要...让我见识下传说中水区裸考46级的大神们的实力吧!
作者:柯然2012-12-18 11:15
这不是四六级水平 应该是考研水平
作者:Beeeeeeem2012-12-18 11:15
作者:逝去的零碎2012-12-18 11:15
作者:葉絡芝2012-12-18 11:16
作者:红黑黑2012-12-18 11:17
作者:DummyFan2012-12-18 11:18
作者:柯然2012-12-18 11:21
啊 我试着翻译第一个吧 the improvement of living standards leads to the boom of private cars第二个 the poor transportation infrastructure of the city can not meet the needs of the society
作者:默默语2012-12-18 11:22
作者:无德2012-12-18 11:23
可以统一成一句NO CAR!
作者:红黑黑2012-12-18 11:24
啊 我试着翻译第一个吧 the improvement of living standards leads to the boom of private cars第二个 the poor transportation infrastructure of the city can not meet the needs of the society
作者:dxl198209072012-12-18 11:25
1 to improve the standard of living that the surge in the number of private carsIn 2 the city's worst traffic infrastructure construction can not meet the needs of the society3 non motor vehicles for road cutting4 social morality absence5 legal construction is not perfect不用谢~!代我向百度问好~!
作者:妄想不妄想2012-12-18 11:26
1.生活水平提高使得私人汽车数量激增2.城市糟糕的交通基础设施建设无法满足社会需求3.非机动车争道抢行4.社会公德缺失5.法制建设不完善中式英语不要...让我见识下传说中水区裸考46级的大神们的实力吧! 啊 我试着翻译第一个吧 the improvement of living standards leads to the boom of private cars第二个 the poor transportation infrastructure of the city can not meet the needs of the society 高手,尤其这个boom用的很准确唔 过奖。。。。
作者:堕落的猴子2012-12-18 12:16
Improvements of living standards lead to the explosion of private vehicles.(看到楼上的boom,更好!)Poor transportation infrastructure fails to satisfy the social demands.Non-motor vehicles' traffic conflict.Lack of social morality.Flawed establishment of legal system.

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