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整理时间:2012-12-01 14:09 来源 作者:编辑 点击:

【楼主】可爱的夏洛特2012-11-30 10:49
» 赫芬顿邮报:Kill 60 Rats, Get A Cellphone From South African Charity在南非杀60只老鼠,你就可以得到一个免费手机Some people will do anything for a free phone, though killing 60 rats to get one seems pretty extreme.某些人为了得到一个免费手机什么事情都干的出来,虽然说杀60只老鼠就能得到一部手机看起来相当的极端。But so does the rat problem in an area of Johannesburg, South Africa known as Alexandra, where former president Nelson Mandela lived when he moved to the city.但是南非约翰内斯堡的亚历山德拉的鼠患也好不到哪里去,而前南非总统曼德拉之前就曾住在这个地方。The neighborhood's crumbling structures, leaking sewage and discarded piles of rotting food are a perfect breeding ground for rats, according to the Guardian newspaper. Things are so bad that some children have had their fingers bitten off while they sleep.根据英国卫报的报道,这个地方建筑都很破旧,下水管道都是坏的,还有大量的垃圾,所以这真的是一个老鼠繁殖的好地方啊。鼠患严重到小孩在夜间睡觉时手指都会被老鼠给咬掉。That is why a local charity called Lifeline is sending a message that's loud and clear: Bring in 60 rats and you'll get a new cellphone.所以当地的一个叫做“生命线”的慈善组织发布了这么一条信息:只要带来60具的老鼠尸体,你就可以得到一部新手机。The phones are supplied by a local cellphone company, 8ta, and are given out to people who rat out the required ration of rodents.这些手机是由当地的一家叫做8ta的手机公司提供的,而这些手机是免费发放给那些杀害规定数目老鼠的人的。Apparently, catching rats is easy-cheesy for experts like Joseph Mothapo, who caught 23 of the animals in one evening using a trap.很明显,捉老鼠对捕鼠专家约瑟夫来说简直就是小菜一碟,他可以在一个晚上的时间里用陷阱抓到23只的老鼠。“It’s easy. You put your leftover food inside and the rats climb inside, getting caught as the trap door closes,” Mothapo told the Mail & Guardian newspaper. He has earned two cellphones so far and doesn't plant to stop until every member of his family has one.约瑟夫对记者说:“抓老鼠太容易了,把剩饭剩菜放在捕鼠器里面,然后那些老鼠进入捕鼠器后就会被关在里面了。”他已经获得了两个免费手机了,他说他还会继续抓老鼠,直到自己每个家庭成员都拥有免费手机为止。The rats are killed on the spot, and officials take notes from the captors about where they found the critters so that those areas can be fumigated.Some animal rights activists have complained the cellphone-influenced mass killings are cruel, according to the Guardian. A spokesman for the 8ta cellphone company denied being part of the plan, releasing a statement downplaying its involvement with the plan.英国卫报说,一些动物保护组织抱怨说这些以手机为奖励的杀害行为太残酷了。8ta手机公司的一位发言人否认该公司参与了这个计划,并发表了一份声明来说明自己并不是这次活动的发起者。Local councilwoman Julie Moloi said other ideas for controlling the rodent population have been ineffective.当地的议会女议员朱莉说,其他的一些控制鼠害的手段都不是很有效。One idea, giving owls to local schools to hunt down rats, has met with resistance because, according to traditional belief systems, owls are creatures to be feared, reports.还有一个主意,那就是给当地的学校发放一些猫头鹰来对付这些老鼠,但是遇到了一些阻力,原因是在当地人传统的观念里,猫头鹰是受人们敬畏的生物。Moloi noted that there's a real fear that the rodents will "take over" and Alexandra will become "a city of rats." 朱莉提醒到,人们很当心这些老鼠会“掌控”这座城市,然后把亚历山德拉变成“老鼠之城”。There is another fear: That locals will be so gung-ho about getting cellphones that they will raise rats just for the purpose of turning them in to receive the reward, according to还有另外一个担忧是:当地人为了得到手机,可能会去饲养然后再杀害这些老鼠。
作者:纳格兰之风2012-11-30 10:50
作者:千繁花叶2012-11-30 10:50
作者:卜部みこと2012-11-30 10:51
动物保护组织亮了- -怎么不保护一下蚊子
作者:staronhigh2012-11-30 10:53
作者:夜夜秦淮河2012-11-30 10:55
作者:卜部みこと2012-11-30 10:56
他们不是吃老鼠串的吗 尼玛动物保护组织真是个吃饱了撑的浪费钱的组织 老鼠彻底烤熟了再吃还会感染疾病什么的么?动物保护组织亮了- -怎么不保护一下蚊子 英国卫报说,一些动物保护组织抱怨说这些以手机为奖励的杀害行为太残酷了。zou我建议把动物保护组织的人扔下水道待上一周(本来想说一个月的,想想一个月行为太残酷了)

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