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BOSS仇恨打击马上就要发动了,MT技能还没好,怎么办??? 2T 果断嘲讽开技能硬吃!

时间:2012-09-20 03:23 来源 作者:编辑 点击:

     左:男80% 女20%
    (CNN) -- What's the first foreign policy issue the next U.S. president should tackle after the election? More than 1,000 aspiring foreign secretaries in 114 countries and territories around the world weighed in on CNN International's latest Facebook survey to give us their answer.
     The verdict: 45% of voters said America's post-Arab Spring policies should be the top foreign policy priority for either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney.
     This mirrors the week's biggest story -- violent protests in Egypt and Libya that resulted in the storming of U.S. diplomatic buildings following the publication on YouTube of an amateur film portraying the Prophet Mohammed in a negative light.
     (CNN) -- 在大选之后,下一任美国总统应该首要处理的外交政策问题是什么?超过1000名在全球的114个国家和地区的有理想、有抱负的外交家,在权衡了CNN在Facebook上最新的国际调查后,给了我们这样一个结论。
     The attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi on Tuesday led to the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, and by Friday the protests had spread to at least eight other countries.
     Our Facebook survey also reflects lingering worries about the European debt crisis: 21% of respondents said America's top task should be to address the crisis that threatens to undermine the euro.
     Nearly one in five (18.5%) believe sorting out relations with China should be the next president's first order of business. But just one in 10 people see Iranian and North Korean nuclear proliferation as the top priority.
     And last but not least, just one in 20 people (4.7%) chose fighting al Qaeda as the number one foreign policy for the U.S. president -- despite the fact al Qaeda militants and associates are now fighting for influence from Mali to Pakistan.
     Last week's Facebook survey (insert link) was dominated by men (75%), and this week even more so: four out of five (80%) who cast votes in our foreign policy survey were male.
     The British cast more than a quarter (27%) of this week's votes, followed by the U.S. (17%), Egypt and the Philippines.
     And, much like last week, the vast majority (62%)of voters were aged 18 to 34. Thanks to everyone who took part.
     Did you vote in this week's Facebook survey? If not, what would you like to vote on next week? Leave us top tips in the comments below.
     最后但并不是最不重要的是,仅仅只有4.7%的参与者选择将“向基地组织宣战”作为美国总统的头号外交政策, 尽管当下的事实是基地组织及其追随者正在争夺从马里到巴基斯坦这一广大地区的影响力。

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