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【一三五系列】 【存在感思密达】 火星探测器成功离开地球轨道 印媒网名大呼已超过对手中国

整理时间:2013-12-02 19:44 来源 作者:编辑 点击:

【楼主】2013-12-02 17:50

» 火星探测器成功离开地球轨道 印媒网名大呼已超过对手中国
    We the Indians (Without the politicians) are the best in the world
    gem.meeran (India)
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    Atharvana (New Jersey, USA)
    This is just the beginning. I am sure the best is yet to come. Thank u ISRO and God bless.
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    Ramesh (Mumbai)
    Congrats to the Team of Scientists working on this project. Wish and pray that final mission is accomplished.
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    dav_1359 OZ (Location)
    Great achievement... Congrates.
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    Raghav Bhatnagar ()
    Best of luck to the success of the mars mission. India's is riding on this mission. If successful Indian scientists will have proved that they achieve same results as US scientists , but at a fraction of the cost . Best wishes and sure success to the mission
    monu Kumar (India)
    this is a great achievement , hope it reaches safely to the red planet
    Kutwa Khan (6kkaMuhmd)
    They are trying to reach the Red planet before China ,while the Red Chinks are encroaching in to Indian territory .
    Amirthanathan Appu Arulappan (Nagercoil)
    yeah, there is no need of this comparision. What is ours is our and what is theirs is their. Do we have enough courage to compare everything with China, well I dont think so. Bye the way we must happy but not overconfident till the mission is accomplished
    Nandan Dubey (New Delhi, India)
    These are the few thing that make us Indians to be proud of .............this was a result of hard work of our scientist that now India is going to be 4 country atleast to make it's way to the mars now we have to wait for a log duration to see the success
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    MadWarrior (delhi)
    CONGRATS ISRO for making us believe that we can also do it ..........!!! feeling really happy and proud !
    Iyerbr (Thane)
    Lets be humble , its only the first step , we have a long way to go .Yes we can do it .We have brain , money ,political Will also . Nothing can stop us now . cmon boys dont look back , create that Cryonegic Engine . India is ith you . CONGRATS
    GkQueen (Cochin)
    Be proud my dear friends ! At least our scientists are making Indians proud
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    Aravindan Muthukaruppan (Kuala Lumpur)
    Almost daily followed up on this mission through news and finally it's great to hear the success. Congrats to ISRO. Congrats to India.
    shriram Misra (Unknown)
    What is this obsession of Indian media with China ... are we going to fall to the same standard of pakistan when it compares itself to India. India should stop comparing its every step ... be confident of itself and keep our eyes open. there are many good things to learn from China and not just compete with watever they do.. We should set example and not consider what others do as examples. ...
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    hemkant beedkar (Pune)
    As most of the steps are safely taken place, there should not be any doubt that it will not be successful. Well done ISRO. Wish u all the best and pl. fulfill the wishes of 1.2 billion people.
    Amirthanathan Appu Arulappan (Nagercoil)
    Congrats India !! Finally. India will rule space in ten years time. Keep it up ISRO.
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    Rick Lee (Los Angeles, California)
    Congratulation India! But why is it necessary to mention China on this article?
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    dr.diwakar (bengaluru)
    Meanwhile, a number of farmers are committing suicide due to poverty.
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    Delta (Delhi)
    Its an achievement but why bring China in every such news?
    Farhan (Mumbai)
    Well then lets outpace China in terms of GDP Per Capita...
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    Inderdeep Cheema Cheema (Ludhiana)
    great news, world is watching
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    Let us wait for 10 months for a happy news of 2014. Already 90% successful.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    rjkmail2004 Khurana (India)
    Yes, the spacecraft carries the dreams of 1.2 billion Indians.
    Anoop (Loc)
    The "outpaces China" could have been avoided. This feet achieved by ISRO makes us proud. It should be used for the well being of the world. Considering it as a race with China makes it less important and should be avoided.
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    Divine (Mumbai)
    Difference between Made in India and Made in China..any queries? any doubts?

网友评论2013-12-02 17:54



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