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整理时间:2013-08-18 20:13 来源 作者:编辑 点击:

【楼主】2013-08-21 00:25

» 苏联新10级重坦(球式坦克)
    Source: Yuri Pasholok’s blog
    Original author: Yuri Pasholok
    Hello everyone,
    today, we’re going to have a look at one of the craziest Soviet Union ideas of WW2: the ball tanks. I sort of “borrowed” the name of this article from Yuri Pasholok, who writes a book of the same name on these strange vehicles. Some of you might remember the 1st of April, when a “ball tank” branch appeared as a part of the Soviet tree well, the branch was a joke, but the projects were actually seriously made. This is one of the biggest of them all, the “Protivotank” (“Counter-Tank”).
    今天我们来围观一下二战时苏联最疯狂的概念车:球型坦克(是的,你没看错)。某种程度上我是从尤 里的文章里借鉴的名字,他写了一本关于这些奇怪的战车的书。大家或许还记得4月1日,说一个“球型坦克”分支会加入苏系坦克树的——好吧,这条分支是个玩笑,但是这个项目是存在的,我是很严肃地在讲哦
    This vehicle was really proposed in March 1942 by L.P.Mokrousov. Mokrousov worked as a chief engineer in the “Red Star” factory in Kharkov, before moving to another plant in the same city. Before the war, he studied the cold metalwork faculty of “Kharkov Mashinostroitelnij Institut” (Kharkov Institute of Machine Construction), he finished successfully his studies in 1934 and recieved his engineering diploma. By the time he proposed the “Protivotank”, he was imprisoned in a Gulag near Molotovo (Perm) for embezzlement.
    这辆车 真的 是于1942年由LPM提议的,在转到另一个工厂之前,M是当时哈尔科夫“红星”工厂的首席工程师。战前,他学的是冷金属制品工艺,他于1934年顺利学成,拿到了工程师的文凭。在他提出球型坦克概念的时候,他正因贪污入狱。
    This vehicle was designed to be a heavy assault craft, specifically intended to attack and destroy enemy heavy tanks, strongpoints and fortifications and along with regular tanks to break thru the fortified defense lines to attack various sensitive targets behind the enemy front. The ball tank construction was made so that the tank is nearly impervious to enemy fire, while destroying the German tanks at leisure.
    这辆重 型 攻 击怪 兽旨在摧毁敌方的重型坦克、战略要地和防御工事——配合着常规坦克——去摧毁前线那些重要的敏感的军事单位。画出的图纸上的球型坦克对敌方的火力显然是丝毫不惧,摧毁德国坦克也显然是“so easy”
    The basic form of the vehicle is a rolling ball (or specigically, a moving one). The tank was split into three segments. First, there was the armored moving surface of the ball (equipped with “teeth”, or rather, scales, to gain traction). In the middle, there was a cylinder with the engine And then there were the side parts, carrying the massive armament.
    The armament carried was massive four guns, two of which are bigger than 155mm, eight twin-linked machineguns and two AA machineguns. The vehicle’s main advantage was to be good maneuverability (for its massive weight), giving it a significant advantage, when fighting other tanks, combined with practical invulnerability, provided by its massive armor. The vehicle was to have following characteristics:
    炮有很多——四个火炮,其中两个超过155毫米口径,8挺双 联 机 枪和2挺防 空 机 枪。这辆车的主要优势是具有良好的可操作性(因为其巨大的体重),给了它相当的优势,当对战地方坦克时,它刀枪不入,这辆车的参数如下:
    直径Diameter 10 meters
    极速Maximum speeed 90 km/h(502什么的都是浮云)
    引擎Engine power 2000hp(你给我elc一个2000马力的试试!!)
    战斗重量Combat weight 500 tons
    装甲Armor 200-250mm at the ball surface, consisting of three parts, each separate one consisting of armored plates.
    Here, a Protivotank vs Maus comparison:对比鼠式
    In order to propel the vehicle, two 1000hp water-cooled gasoline engines were to be installed in the middle, along with a smaller gasoline engine, powering the electricity generator. If I understand correctly, each of the engines was to power an electric generator, which in turn powered the drive wheel electric engines. Both gasoline engines were to by synchronized.
    The crew was to consist of 8 people: the driver, the mechanic, four machinegunners and two main gun gunners. The main guns were located on the sides of the vehicle and the biggest firepower the vehicle could bring to bear on one target was two main guns and four machineguns.
    Needless to say, this project was never built, but it’s interesting nevertheless. I am not sure if Yuri Pasholok’s ball tank book is already released or not, but I do hope it does come out in English one day.

网友评论2013-08-21 00:28

网友评论2013-08-21 00:28

网友评论2013-08-21 00:29

网友评论2013-08-21 00:31


网友评论2013-08-21 00:34

    让我想起了小时候看的一部动画片,猪脚就是骑着这样的摩托车- -
网友评论2013-08-21 00:36

网友评论2013-08-21 00:42

网友评论2013-08-21 00:44

网友评论2013-08-21 00:48

    Reply Post by 朵朵薇 (2013-08-21 00:34):
    让我想起了小时候看的一部动画片,猪脚就是骑着这样的摩托车- -
    这个叫Spiral Zone,中文螺旋地带,目测是看的时候太小,叫什么完全没印象,但是这造型什么的记得很清楚

网友评论2013-08-21 00:53

网友评论2013-08-21 00:59

    Reply Post by 冰雪之歌 (2013-08-21 00:53):
    正义联盟有一集穿越到二战 德国佬就用这玩意。。。。。


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