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时间:2012-08-08 17:02 来源 作者:编辑 点击:


今天这件事情终于有了结果,自然杂志的主编专门撰文就这事向读者解释,内容blabla一大堆,但是结论很干脆“ We apologize to our readers and to Ye Shiwen.”

GFW是保护外国人的系列这个态度比那个神马美国游泳教练 还有神马英国“小报”的态度好多了腾讯不是出专题说,这样的质疑很“寻常”么。

腾讯多大度多有人文精神啊 这次奥运会其他收获没有,倒是看清了白皮猪的嘴脸。这才几个IP啊,就撑暴了........... Post by 严防死守 (2012-08-07 00:57)

想想前段时间GFW抽风,国内能访问G+的时候这么快就认错了- -
还真是著名杂志,果断道歉,都不需要打滚吗。。。不是一堆人去争取去抗争我估计自然还会接着嘲讽GFW拯救外国人民! Post by anforceman (2012-08-07 01:00)

之前已经打过滚了还删评论,然后被群喷了 Post by gametopgun (2012-08-07 00:59)

想想都可怕........这算啥啊才……下次来个春运级的!Nature向GFW管理部门提出严正抗议 Post by 芙妮雅西雅 (2012-08-07 01:01)

评论更多的可能是服务器的问题 [s:37]Nature是不受GFW影响的吧,如果封了nature,国内的研究生教授们会发狂的。图样,再不道歉,万一网络水军跑过去,服务器要出大事的!
This article has drawn an extraordinary level of outraged response. We much regret this ongoing problem. The disappearance of some cogent responses to the story has fuelled suspicions that Nature is deliberately censoring the strongest criticisms. This is absolutely not the case: Nature welcomes critically minded discussion of our content. (We intentionally removed only a few comments that violated our Community Guidelines by being abusive or defamatory, including several that offensively stereotyped the many Chinese readers who commented on the story.) Many of the commenters have questioned why we changed the original subtitle of the story from “‘Performance profiling’ could help catch sports cheats” to “‘Performance profiling’ could help dispel doubts”. about the improvement in Ye’s time for the 400-metre individual medley: she improved by 7 seconds since July 2011, not July 2012. We have corrected the error. We apologize to our readers for these errors, and for the unintended removal of comments because of technical issues with our commenting system. Below we reproduce one of the most thorough and thoughtful of the hundreds of responses we received. Beneath it, we continue with our response.
The news story was triggered by a debate that was already active, concerning the scale of Ye Shiwen’s victory. Such debates have arisen over many outstanding feats in the past, by athletes from many countries, and it is wrong to suggest, as many of the critics do, that we singled her out because of her nationality. The story’s intention as an Explainer was to examine how science can help resolve debates over extraordinary performances, not to examine those performance statistics in detail. Several analyses done by others convinced us that it was fair to characterize Ye’s performance as ‘anomalous’ — in the sense that it was statistically unusual. But we acknowledge that the combination of errors discussed above and the absence of a more detailed discussion of the statistics (which with hindsight we regret) gave the impression that we were supporting accusations against her, even though this was emphatically not our intention. For that, we apologize to our readers and to Ye Shiwen.



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