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时间:2012-09-01 02:38 来源 作者:编辑 点击:

    China - Not Wall Street - Caused 2008 Crisis: Study
    作者:翻译加工厂 发布日期:2012-08-30 浏览:11642
    原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处
    Thought the global financial crisis in 2008 was caused by subprime bonds, collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) and other Wall Street engineering? Think again.
    According to a new study, China, not Wall Street bankers, was responsible for the global crisis and the ensuing recession.
    The study from the Erasmus Research Institute of Management says the saving frenzy of the Chinese created the cheap money, which fueled the U.S. housing bubble and its collapse.
    Heleen Mees, writer of the study and assistant economics professor at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, says that exotic mortgage products could hardly have been the cause of the U.S. housing market bubble and the its ultimate collapse.
    荷兰蒂尔堡大学的经济学助理教授Heleen Mees声称,外来的抵押产品很难导致美国房地产市场的泡沫,更不会致使市场崩盘。
    According to the study, mortgages with those special features -- like mortgage-backed securities and CDOs -- accounted for less than five percent of the total number of new mortgages from 2000 to 2006.
    Mees, author of three books and contributor for Foreign Policy magazine, says it was the "loose" monetary policy of the Federal Reserve at the beginning of the decade which sparked a refinancing boom in the U.S. in 2003 and 2004 and a growth in personal spending.
    This U.S. spending binge fueled economic growth in China and in turn boosted total savings in that country.
    The study, which compared financial market responses to U.S., Chinese and German quarterly GDP from 2006 through 2009, shows that the Chinese have been saving more than half of their GDP during that time. Those savings were heavily skewed towards fixed income assets like government bonds and depressed interest rates worldwide from 2004 on.
    This allowed for interest rates around the world to fall, and sparked a boom in the U.S. housing market due to the availability of cheap money.
    The study also argues that Ben Bernanke, chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, set the world up for the Great Recession by providing the "intellectual backing for the aggressive rate cuts in the early 2000s."
    With so many books out on the financial crisis, Mees recommends people read Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labor by Arthur Lewis and she says people should avoid one of the blockbusters on the crisis, The Big Short by Michael Lewis
    随着许多关于金融危机的书籍的问世,Mees推荐人们阅读 Arthur Lewis写的《Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labor》(译注:中文译名《劳动力无限供给下的经济发展》)一书,她书中说,人们应该避免其中一个金融危机大片的上演。还有Michael Lewis的《The Big Short》(译注:中文译名《大空头》)。
    Kenton • 11 hours ago
    So, the US Federal Reserve's "loose money policy" sparking a spending boom based on low cost financing didn't cause the economic was the Chinese for diligently saving from their meagre earnings.
    Yeah! Right.
    yahooreader 6 hours ago
    E, interest rates are low mainly because the Fed has been and still is printing money like never before in US history. Maybe like the Romans did in their final decades.
    The Dude • 16 hours ago
    "The saving frenzy of the Chinese created the cheap money, which fueled the U.S. housing bubble and its collapse". Yeah, and farmers cause the US obesity epidemic because they produce food.
    yahooreader 6 hours ago
    TD, best quote of the day: "farmers cause the US obesity epidemic because they produce food".
    treesmiths3 • 12 hours ago
    I thought we needed to blame Bush, or Cheney, or the wars. Now its the evil savers in China, how thoughtless of them. Blame anyone but ourselves!
    Alan Greenspan 6 hours ago
    Forget these media crooks and liars. Go to AVA Investment Analytics for real insight from the man with the leading record on the collapse who has backed this claim with a $100,000 reward if you can prove otherwise.
    Chuck • 11 hours ago
    Who wrote this cover piece for the banks and rating agencies? And your blaming the Chinese... Please.... whoever came up with this drivel needs to try again... What a trojan horse article.
    Alan Greenspan 9 hours ago
    To learn the truth about the CNBC crooks, go to AVA Investment Analytics and read "Watch TV Make Money Who is Really Making Money?" 11 part series on AVA site about CNBC and the rest of the media crooks who rip off their audience every day!
    Brian • 13 hours ago
    I nominate this article for "dumbest article of the year."
    My name • 10 hours ago
    This is kind of story Wall Street people like to hear. They can do anything to empty your saving and retirement now, since it is China's fault for them to create those empty trust.
    Tina • 13 hours ago Who
    created all those trillions our of thin air for the Chinese to save? Alan Greenspan with his low rate policies to stimulate the economy ended up overseas with China. Duh.
    Maximus • 14 hours ago
    This story has been told before ... Its very shallow. Perhaps a better analysis would to look at the impact of 30 years of outsourcing manufacturing that created trade imbalances and study the long term affects of that policy by US companies.
    Papabear • 10 hours ago
    buyers of trashes are the causes of the contaminations of trashes? that's the same logic as the victim of rape is the reason for rape to happen. only wall street banksters and their pets can come up with that kind of logic
    Vourn is Rad • 12 hours ago
    Huh??? Greed was the cause of the collapse. Everyone who participated had a role. From those who really couldn't afford the subprime mortgages to the investors who bought and packaged it as hedged funds in the secondary market.
    Everyone made off in one way or another til it all came crashing down.
    practicaltalk • 13 hours ago
    when you cant swim, you put the blame on the manufacturer of the swimming costume and trunk. When you smoke heavily and was infected with terminal illness, you put the blame on the manufacturer of tobacco and the plantations..
    Daren Ma 5 hours ago
    so are they encourage us to save less, spend more and borrow more, so we can be more in debt ???!!!!???,
    martin m • 7 hours ago
    Saving is a good thing. It's what enables companies to borrow for capital expansion. The Chinese, and their money-saving ways, had nothing to do with the crazy lending practices and fraud perpetrated by the banks and Wall Street
    Andi • 12 hours ago
    So, the one thing I'm learning from this article is don't send your kids to Netherlands, Tillburg University or they are sure to be the dumbest college educated kids around blaming everybody else.. China created 2008 recession, the cow ate my homework, yada, yada, yada.. Can't believe she is an assistant professor.. I feel bad for the kids that are paying ridiculous tuition to learn from this professor.
    好吧,我从这篇文章里学到一点,别把你的孩子送到荷兰去。Tillburg 大学绝对是最傻逼的大学,教孩子们怎么去指责其他人。。。是中国引发了08年的衰退,是母牛吃了我的作业等等等等...难以相信她居然还是副教授,真为那帮付钱去她那读书的孩子感到难过。
    Fredna • 8 hours ago
    If you look, the fed started dropping interest rates through the floor in during 2001 in the Clinton years (6% - 1.25%). Comparatively, China increased it US debt holdings by a factor of nearly 10 (181 billion to 1.6 Trillion). You wonder...
    sandnig • 15 hours ago
    So first she blames it on China and then for fear of getting backlash she says "The study also argues that Ben Bernanke, chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, set the world up for the Great Recession". Coward. Bernanke and Wall Street, they sleep together.
    el fongerino • 16 hours ago
    The money may have been cheap, but who figured out how to steal it? Not the Chinese, Heleen. What you're saying is that honest, hardworking people who save money encourage thieves, because they have surplus money available to be stolen. By your logic, the honest, hardworking person is guilty, not the thief. GMAB!
    Steve • 7 hours ago
    I am hearing Bart Simpson's saying, "I didn't do it." over and over in my head. Why?
    为啥我脑子里在一遍遍回放Bart Simpson的那句名言:“我没干过”。看了这篇文章。
    welcome to sweden我才不告诉你我今天早上尿了一泡尿,会导致美国几年之后洪涝灾害么?我才不告诉你我今天早上尿了一泡尿,会导致美国几年之后洪涝灾害么?2B思维广乐趣多

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