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时间:2012-09-24 05:50 来源 作者:编辑 点击:

"We call this
    I park the car at the edge of Old Delhi's Chandni Chowk neighborhood. We take a ride on a bicycle rickshaw for a while (it's welded to the back of an Indian-made Hero-brand bike) and then we get out and try to walk. Streets are miniature and twisted.
    After a while, he finds a courtyard — it's partly a driveway for some bikes — that has folding chairs. A card table is topped with a plastic, patterned cover. There is a man with a beard, metal pans and a portable stove.
    "Here, you can get more than bite-sized," says Gupta, ordering a masala dosa. For me, he selects the same regional dish I'd tried at the restaurant: uttapam with tomato and onion.
    Uttapam, I say. "Sounds like a prescription."
    "Probably no one gets sick here," assures Gupta.
    So far on my India trip, I have been splurging. The deals are good. My hotel, the Leela Kempinski Gurgaon, has a name that's hard to say. But it's enormous and shiny, with on-site restaurants that are like horns of plenty spilling meats and fruits and cheeses from around the world.
    Gupta说:“这更实惠点”,点了一份 masala dosa。对我来说,他选的这个地方食物: 番茄和洋葱的做的煎薄饼,我更想在饭店吃.
    OK, I say. Time for some pizza. I pick a Pizza Hut-India Teekha Veggie (99 rupees, about $1.85) that's topped with chiles, marinated tomatoes, capsicum, cheese, onion, red paprika, paneer — a type of curd cheese — and baby corn.
    Gupta leads me to a temporary-looking stand that says Tamil Nadu. "South Indian coffee," he explains. "Try it, please. No germs."
     ——奥巴马最后一句亮了来!饮我一碗恒河水!还以为是什么黑暗料理呢第一个如果里面是土豆泥就好吃了 酸奶味是个什么节奏。。。。会上吐下泻的第一个看上去不错然后,就可以享受印度美好的免费医疗服务了——甘地
    --白岩松居然没有瓶装恒河水!看起来还算正常突然肚子好饿没细菌好萌 Post by Dimkiller (2012-09-21 16:40)没细菌 取自新鲜的恒河水不要在印度吃路边摊

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